Saturday, November 21, 2009

My thoughts on Twilight

Months and months ago before the Twilight craze became full blown, I had a friend who tried and tried to persuade me into reading it. I always refused, always. And I told her not to bring the books into my home to read herself. This is why:

The definition of a vampire is a blood-sucking ghost; a soul of a dead person superstitiously believed to come from the grave and wander about by night sucking the blood of persons asleep, thus causing their death. The persons who turn vampires are generally wizards, witches, suicides, and persons who have come to a violent end.

But, somehow the majority of christians, still see this as an okay read? I just don’t get it.
Have we forgotten the spiritual consequences to opening such doors? Many argue that is it just a good love story. That Edward is a good vampire…. I don’t think that any vampire can by definition be considered good.

2 Corinthians 11:14 says that even Satan disguises himself as an angels of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.

This is part of an article I found on the internet that I believe speaks much truth concerning how Satan deceives us into thinking things that are not of God are okay.

If you could see and meet the devil face to face, what would he look like? He is commonly depicted as a cartoon character in a red suit with a pitchfork or as a hideous-looking ghoul.

But neither of these characterizations is anywhere close to the truth.

In reality, if you were to meet the devil, you would find him attractive, engaging and persuasive. Though he is really the prince of darkness, Satan successfully presents himself as "an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Satan is a master of misrepresentation. He is the world's greatest advertiser, packaging his product so it seems attractive and appealing while in reality it is deathly poisonous. He wants his clients to see him as good, beneficent and trustworthy. He wants his product -sin and rejection of God-to appear enticing and inviting, and he is usually quite successful.
Satan never presents sin as it really is. He never presents both sides of the story, pro and con. He presents only what he wants us to see, something that appears fun and exciting. He wants us to focus on pleasure, on what feels or looks good at the moment. He wants long-term consequences to be the last thing on our minds while he entices us to sin.

Although I haven’t read the books or watched the movies…. This is what I understand. That Bella desires to become a vampire so she can be with Edward. Evil never entices us and then desires to transform to good. It always entices us and desires to turn us into evil.
I hope this has opened the eyes of at least one person who is caught up in whole Twilight craze and that you will at least pray about the doors that you are possibly opening up to satan and his servants.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Well written Candice! I couldn't agree more.